

for casey.

For Fathers day, Meg wanted me to take some pictures of the kids for Casey to take back with him to California...they turned out super cute and I just love these little ones faces to pieces...


JeNNy said...

I lOVe these! You are So good!! I finally Got mine done after 2 1/2 hours :)

Kamill said...

You did such a great job with these pictures. Darling kids!:) I like how you set your deapth of field? Did you do that with a program or your camera? I have been practicing with that lately and its really fun. I love Aperture. we need to get together and teach each other what we know.:) I might copy you and set up a photography website to watch my progress.

Meghan said...

They turned out so good Kourt. :) I am so lucky to have you as my photographer.

Mark and Niki said...

Oh my heck I LOVE the one of her and the kids!!! That is soo awesome!