

diptych challenge: soft

I got inspired by my SIL Kristi to start doing these diptych challenges.
Me and my other SIL Kamill started one together.

What is diptych photography?
A diptych is a photograph that uses two different or identical images
side by side to form one single artistic statement. The two images can literally
be in contact with each other, or separated by a border or frame.

Each week we will have a theme, word or phrase to use as our individual inspiration.
This week our inspiration was the word "Soft".
My image is the one on the left, Kamill's on the right. See more of Kamill's work HERE.



Kristi said...

So glad you are doing this! It really helps me not get stuck in my usual creative ruts. I love both of your interpretations!

JeNNy said...

Those towels really do look soft!