

red: mk challenge

This week on {life through the lens} the photo challenge was "your favorite color".
Anyone who knows me, knows what it is.
Red has more personal associations than any other color.
Recognized as a stimulant red is inherently exciting and the amount of red is directly related to the level of energy perceived.
Red draws attention and a keen use of red as an accent can immediately focus attention on a particular element.

How the color red affects us mentally and physically:
* Increases enthusiasm
* Stimulates energy
* Encourages action and confidence
* A sense of protection from fears and anxiety

So, all of you now know...i heart red.



Rachel said...

I hopped on over from through the lens.... I love your work .. the flag photo caught my eye .... I love it .... thanks for sharing

Kristi said...

Hey Kourt, I too love the flag photo your depth of field is divine! I'm so glad you participated this week. So fun!

Kamill said...

great work!! Love the pics. My favorite color is Red too:)

Lynda and Jerry said...

I love how the second flag is the one in focus. Very pretty. A good pic for this time of year. And you know what my fav color is....

Kristi said...

I really like your pictures Kourtney! They are so pretty. Here is my picture: