

autumn: mk challenge

This weeks photo challenge:
"what autumn means to me"

I was traveling this week for work and didn't really have much time
to figure out what I wanted to take a photo of.
I am trying to get in the habit of taking my camera with me
where ever I go more often, so I can catch more spur of the moment pictures.
So, luckily I packed my camera along with me this week on my travels.
As the plane was descending into the Salt Lake Valley, I looked out my
window and saw the beautiful bright yellow on the mountain side.
Falls leaves are gorgeous, but sadly we don't get them until later on in the year here.
It's not the clearest picture, shooting through that thick airplane window,
but it made me excited for the upcoming autumn.

Enjoy autumn at a glimpse from the sky.

remember to pay my friends a visit at
{life through the lens} and Savoring the Details.
they are the inspiration behind these fun, weekly challenges!


Unknown said...

Oh me too about remembering to take the camera with me! There are so many times that I come across something that would make a great shot - and no camera.

Love the mountainside from the air:) I haven't gotten a chance to get up to see the foliage yet. This weekend is supposed to be the best for leaf viewing.

Lynda and Jerry said...

Pretty pic from the air - love the yellow from the top...

Kristi said...

Kourt, this is so pretty and if you hadn't of said something I would have never known that you took it through an airplane window. We need to plan a pumpkin carving party! That sounds like a lot of fun.

April said...

Awesome view! thanks for sharing.

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Wow! such a creative take on this weeks inspiration. The colours are gorgeous xox

melissa deakin said...

in awe.
this is amazing!
i cannot believe you took this from the airplane.
it is incredible!
thanks so much for sharing and joining us each week.
i love to see your interpretations!