

quiet: mk challenge

The challenge this week was the word {quiet}
I don't know why, but this was a hard week.
I had a few ideas but nothing seemed to fit just perfectly.

As I was contemplating, I remembered a few weeks ago when our power went out.
Even in a quiet house, we still have the hum of the refrigerator,
the water running in the dishwasher, the clanking of the dryer,
the fan in the PC, the AC kicking on and off, the TV, and many other sounds.
But when there is no electricity, there is silence.
Pure quietness.

I forget how nice that dead silence is.
Me and the Man lit some candles and enjoyed some good
conversation and some
quiet time together.

What does quiet mean to you?
Stop by my friends and see:
{life through the lens} and Savoring the Details.



Unknown said...

Great shot; it's very soothing. Sometimes I crave that dead silence and wish the electricity would go out so it would all stop:)

Kamill said...

Very nice. There is nothing better than to have the house quiet and some good quality time with the one you love. minus the computer, TV, and all the other noises that can interupt good quality quiet time. Great job Kourtney!

Lynda and Jerry said...

I love how the pic turned out. The flame looks good. And YES, I miss you and those others you choose to call siblings. Silly brats...:) Sometimes even quiet can be comforting.

Kristi said...

I actually like it when the power goes's kind of fun to not have all of the other distractions. You can just focus on talking and listening and being together. This is such a clever idea...I love it and I love you.

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Another beautiful take on this weeks inspiration. I love this shot, it is really warm and soothing.

I agree there is nothing like a power outage to bring quiet and I love love candlelight. There is such a softness and warmth that is truly peaceful. Have a great weekend xox

melissa deakin said...

this is brilliant, kourtney!
i love it.
what a wonderful idea!!
that is the essence of quiet.
thanks so much for playing along!