

vintage: mk challenge

This weeks photography challenge was: Vintage

I love all things vintage and antique inspired but I honestly
don't own many items that are true vintage.

One thing that I do have is this antique skeleton key.
This key is very dear to my heart.
It came to me from my grandpa.
My gramps is a collector.
A collector of clocks, locks, watches, keys, coins...(the list goes on)
On occasion, I will stay with him while I travel for work.
A few years back, I had to give a big presentation to the CEO of my company.
I don't do well with speaking in front of people.
The night before my flight out I was camped out at my grandparents.
I don't know if my grandpa could sense my nerves
but he said he had a good luck charm for me.
That is when he gave me my skeleton key,
which at one point in time was my great great grandmas house key.
I put it on a chain and wore it around my neck during
my presentation and it couldn't of gone better.
It now hangs it my home to bring good luck to me and my family.

Do you love vintage?
My friends do.
{life through the lens} and Savoring the Details


Lynda and Jerry said...

I love the key... It belonged to Great Grandma Glassett. Looks great with the suitcase, too. Good job, Kourts.

The Nicholsons said...

I didn't know that story! Gramps is such a great guy! I think we are all pretty lucky! I really like the photo!

Meghan said...

Good photo Kourt. Good story too. I love gramps. Always has a good story to tell :)

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

I love this. I adore old keys. beautiful image.

I love the story behind your good luck charm.

I hope you are having a good week xox

Unknown said...

Great photo and such a fun story! I love skeleton keys. My mom used to be a locksmith and we kids collected old keys from the shop. I remember once, we used one to lock a door in the house and then promptly lost the key. Yeah, we got in trouble!

Kristi said...

What a sweet story Kourtney! That makes this key such a special treasure. It is beautiful. I love old keys...they have a certain charm about them.

Kamill said...

I love the picture and your story. your grandpa is great. Everytime we see him he gives us something he has had for years. Last time it was an old old bottle(milk of magnesia bottle haha) from 1927 and it had Zacs birthday of aug 21st on it. I think alot of your grandpa.. he is a good man!

melissa deakin said...

sorry for the delay in visiting your site, has been quite a week for me!
this is such a beautiful image and that story just melts my heart.
i love that you wore the key around your neck during the presentation.
that is wonderful.
thanks so much for joining us.
i love to see your interpretations each and every week!